Wasp Control













 Wasp Control

 Wasp Control

Wasp Control Done Safely With Pest-Mortem 
Being stung by a common wasp or hornet (yellow jacket) is a painful experience and can be life threatening. Wasps are large flying insects with powerful venom that can pose a serious risk to people with allergies. One in thirty people who are allergic to stings, may suffer anaphylactic shock. However, it is possible to reduce these risks by taking sensible precautions when outdoors and ensuring that hornet or wasp nests are properly treated or removed. If you have been stung by a wasp or hornet. trying to get rid of a wasp infestation yourself can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. DIY pesticides rarely do more than agitate the nest, and wasp traps can only decrease the population, but not eradicate the colony. With Pest-Mortem wasp extermination service, we make sure that your family is safe from venomous stings and will gladly help you with the problem.

Pest-Mortem Wasps and Hornets Nest Removal Service

All wasp exterminators are fully trained and equipped. For the safety of your home, family, and neighbors, you better leave the wasp nest removal to the professionals, by contacting Pest-Mortem today and scheduling a Wasp & Hornet nest removal service.
Pest-Mortem will carefully examine the property and dependent on the location of the wasps nest, will choose the most appropriate method of treatment. We have a range of equipment that will allow us to gain access to difficult to reach nests and figure out how to take down the wasp most effectively.
Pest-Mortem employ several products such as powders and aerosols that will effectively kill the nest that aim to get rid of the wasps in a single visit, we follow the COSHH (Control of Substance Hazardous to Health) guidelines on all the products we use.
Pest-Mortem Wasp nest treatment is critical if you want to get rid of wasps buzzing around your home and to reduce the risk of painful wasp stings. A mature wasp nest only found in late summer will almost certainly require professional treatment due to the high risk of wasp stings. By this stage, a nest may contain thousands of individual wasps.
Prevention & Proofing
Pest Mortem will offer you some helpful advice on how to avoid any future problems with wasps. For peace of mind, we can return to remove the nest from your property, only after a minimum of 48 hours to allow complete treatment of the whole wasp colony (this extra visit will incur an additional charge). But removing the nest may not be possible if it's within a cavity wall or similar enclosed location. If you still wish to remove the nest yourself, ensure you wear protective clothing as the treatment may still be active within the nest.
What To Do Before And After The Service treatment:
If you have any pets (including fish), it would be best to take them somewhere else before the Wasp treatment starts.
You can’t be present while the wasp and hornet nest removal takes place. The Wasps and Hornets will be very aggressive so you don’t want to be around.
If the treatment takes place indoors, you should leave the place empty for at least four so the insecticides can settle. When you come back, air out the property for at least an hour or two when you return.

Pest-Mortem BPCA certified technicians will be able to assess the situation and advise on the most effective treatments to manage the Wasps in your home or business.

 Wasp Control

Wasp Control Done Safely With Pest-Mortem
Being stung by a common wasp or hornet (yellow jacket) is a painful experience and can be life threatening. Wasps are large flying insects with powerful venom that can pose a serious risk to people with allergies. One in thirty people who are allergic to stings, may suffer anaphylactic shock. However, it is possible to reduce these risks by taking sensible precautions when outdoors and ensuring that hornet or wasp nests are properly treated or removed. If you have been stung by a wasp or hornet, trying to get rid of a wasp infestation yourself can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. DIY pesticides rarely do more than agitate the nest, and wasp traps can only decrease the population, but not eradicate the colony. With Pest-Mortem wasp extermination service, We make sure that your family is safe from venomous stings and will gladly help you with the problem.

Pest-Mortem Wasps and Hornets Nest Removal Service

All wasp exterminators are fully trained and equipped. For the safety of your home, family, and neighbors, you better leave the wasp nest removal to the professionals. By contacting Pest-Mortem today and scheduling a Wasp & Hornet nest removal service. 
Pest-Mortem will carefully examine the property and dependent on the location of the wasps nest, will choose the most appropriate method of treatment. We have a range of equipment that will allow us to gain access to difficult to reach nests and figure out how to take down the wasp most effectively.
Pest-Mortem employ several products such as powders and aerosols that will effectively kill the nest that aim to get rid of the wasps in a single visit, we follow the COSHH (Control of Substance Hazardous to Health) guidelines on all the products we use.
Pest-Mortem Wasp nest treatment is critical if you want to get rid of wasps buzzing around your home and to reduce the risk of painful wasp stings. A mature wasp nest only found in late summer will almost certainly require professional treatment due to the high risk of wasp stings. By this stage, a nest may contain thousands of individual wasps
Prevention & Proofing
Pest Mortem will offer you some helpful advice on how to avoid any future problems with wasps. For peace of mind, we can return to remove the nest from your property, only after a minimum of 48 hours to allow complete treatment of the whole wasp colony (this extra visit will incur an additional charge). But removing the nest may not be possible if it's within a cavity wall or similar enclosed location. If you still wish to remove the nest yourself, ensure you wear protective clothing as the treatment may still be active within the nest.
What To Do Before And After The Service treatment:
If you have any pets (including fish), it would be best to take them somewhere else before the Wasp treatment starts.
You can’t be present while the wasp and hornet nest removal takes place. The Wasps and Hornets will be very aggressive so you don’t want to be around.
If the treatment takes place indoors, you should leave the place empty for four hours so the insecticides can settle. When you come back, Air out the property for at least an hour or two when you return.
Pest-Mortem BPCA certified technicians will be able to assess the situation and advise on the most effective treatments to manage the Wasps in your home or business.
Wasp Control Done Safely With Pest-Mortem
Being stung by a common wasp or hornet (yellow jacket) is a painful experience and can be life threatening. Wasps are large flying insects with powerful venom that can pose a serious risk to people with allergies. One in thirty people who are allergic to stings may suffer anaphylactic shock. However, it is possible to reduce these risks by taking sensible precautions when outdoors and ensuring that hornet or wasp nests are properly treated or removed. If you have been stung by a wasp or hornet, trying to get rid of a wasp infestation yourself can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. DIY pesticides rarely do more than agitate the nest, and wasp traps can only decrease the population, but not eradicate the colony. With Pest-Mortem wasp extermination service, We make sure that your family is safe from venomous stings and will gladly help you with the problem.

Pest-Mortem Wasps and Hornets Nest Removal Service

All wasp exterminators are fully trained and equipped. For the safety of your home, family, and neighbours, You better leave the wasp nest removal to the professionals. By contacting Pest-Mortem today and schedule in a Wasp & Hornet nest removal service. 
The extermination services will consist of:
Pest-Mortem will carefully examine the property and dependent on the location of the wasps nest, will choose the most appropriate method of treatment. We have a range of equipment that will allow us to gain access to difficult to reach nests and figure out how to take down the wasp most effectively.
Pest-Mortem employ several products such as powders and aerosols that will effectively kill the nest that aim to get rid of the wasps in a single visit , We follow the COSHH (Control of Substance Hazardous to Health) guidelines on all the products we use.
Pest-Mortem Wasp nest treatment is critical if you want to get rid of wasps buzzing around your home and to reduce the risk of painful wasp stings, A mature wasp nest only found in late summer will almost certainly require professional treatment due to the high risk of wasp stings. By this stage, a nest may contain thousands of individual wasps
Prevention & Proofing
Pest Mortem will offer you some helpful advice on how to avoid any future problems with wasps For peace of mind, we can return to remove the nest from your property, only after a minimum of 48 hours to allow complete treatment of the whole wasp colony (this extra visit will incur an additional charge). But removing the nest may not be possible if it's within a cavity wall or similar enclosed location. If you still wish to remove the nest yourself, ensure you wear protective clothing as the treatment may still be active within the nest.
What To Do Before And After The Service treatment:
If you have any pets (including fish), it would be best to take them somewhere else before the Wasp treatment starts.
You can’t be present while the wasp and hornet nest removal takes place. The Wasps and Hornets will be very aggressive so you don’t want to be around.
If the treatment takes place indoors, you should leave the place empty for four hours so the insecticides can settle. When you come back, Air out the property for at least an hour or two when you return.
Pest-Mortem BPCA certified technicians will be able to assess the situation and advise on the most effective treatments to manage the Wasps in your home or business.

Select the pest below which is causing you problems and see how we can help you

Rat Control

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Squirrel Control

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Bed Bug Control

Ant Treatment

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Silverfish Treatment

Fly Control

Wasp Control

Moth Control

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